Our society is currently plagued with much disease and illness.

Most babies in the United States are now born with an average of 280 chemicals in their umbilical cord. Of those, 180 are known carcinogens (cancer causing) and 200 are neurotoxic (poisonous to the brain), according to journalist Randall Fitzgerald in his book, The Hundred Year Lie, which shows the awful ramifications of our 100 years of believing that more chemicals will solve our problems. As we see the use of chemicals skyrocketing, we are also seeing a huge increase in degenerative diseases and serious health problems in infants and children. These chemicals that are being used in our environment daily and are poisoning us, it is impossible to deny at this point.

“Toxins are found everywhere you look.”

Toxins are found everywhere you look. Water, food, air, cosmetics, personal care products, cookware, pesticides, cleaning products, cars, smoke, perfume, dental products, rancid oils, laundry products, deodorant, electromagnetic waves from our devices, radiation, additives/ preservatives, mineral oils, sunscreen, workplaces, the list goes on and on. These are all everyday exposures but there are things you can do to limit your exposure.

According to Dr. Joseph Pizzorno the co-author of the Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, toxins cause major damage to our bodies. Toxin can poison our enzymes so they don’t work properly, they displace structural minerals which results in weakening bones. Toxins damage the organs, they damage our DNA which increases the rate of aging and degeneration. Toxins modify gene expression, damage cell membranes so that they don’t respond properly. Toxins interfere with hormones and cause imbalances. Last but not least, toxins actually impair your ability for your body to detox and this is the worst problem of all.

How To Reduce Toxins In The Body Eliminate processed foods and change your diet to only eating organic whole foods. What is a whole food? If it comes from the ground or an animal it is a whole food. If it is in a box it is not a whole food. Whole foods have no preservatives. If you can’t pronounce the name of the ingredients, don’t eat it.

  • Drink at least half your body weight a day in clean, filtered water. No water from the tap. If you are 200 lbs you should be drinking 100 ounces. Why the reason for drinking this much water? All of your elimination organs run on water, water is imperative to your body to eliminate toxins, if you don’t provide the body enough water it can’t keep you healthy.
  • Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. You must move so that your lymphatic system can process and move the toxins out of your body. If you are not moving your lymph system can slow down, your lymph nodes can become swollen and infected which can lead to cancer. Movement is a must have if you want to stay healthy.
  • Support your elimination organs with natural products so that they can properly work. Essential Oils are an amazing way to support your skin, kidneys, liver, lungs, colon, lymphatic system and mouth all very important body parts that help eliminate toxins.
  • Your skin is the largest organ of elimination in your body, you can visibly see when other organs are not working in your body through its appearance. Skin blemishes, rashes, hives, and dryness are all signs your toxic load is high. Frankincense, lemon, grapefruit and lavender oils are all amazing for supporting healthy skin.
  • You can apply Frankincense to your skin to help unclog pores and assist in elimination of toxins on the skin and throughout the body.
  • Drinking Lemon in water can work as a natural diuretic, pulling heavy metals out of the tissues and eliminating toxins and allergens throughout the body. Lemon also supports the liver and kidneys by breaking down toxins, kidney and gallbladder stones and removing the toxins through urine and sweat.
  • Grapefruit as well is a natural diuretic, mixing grapefruit essential oil with coconut oil and brushing your skin with it will help to remove dead skin cells which unclogs blocked pores, boosts your energy, reduces inflammation as well as reducing redness and puffiness.
  • Lavender essential oil also is excellent for skin detox as well. It will calm your mind and body, lower your cortisol levels which reduces stress within the body, it will also reduce inflammation and redness in the skin, calm itchiness and reduce swelling.
  • Zendocrine essential oil blend is an amazing blend of oils that support the elimination process in your liver and kidneys. Adding a drop of Zendocrine oil to citrus drinks, teas and water will help to aid the body in toxin elimination in these important organs.
  • Peppermint oil is another amazing essential oil to support your body. Peppermint oil helps to improve focus and lift brain fog. It oxidizes your cells to help improve circulation. Applying peppermint to the temples, neck and shoulders help to reduce tension and release pain. Peppermint oil can also help with nausea and cramping. Peppermint oil can also give you a boost of energy by inhaling deeply and clearing the lungs.
  • Lifelong Vitality Supplements are an amazingly potent trio of cellular support, Omega’s, fatty acids, and multivitamins which work harmoniously together to support your body in fully functioning. These three supplements together will detox your body, improve brain and heart health, support your cardiovascular, neurological, lymphatic, nervous system, respiratory, circulatory and endocrine systems. These supplements will boost your energy, focus and stamina.
  • Terrazyme is a food enzyme which is amazing at providing enzyme support to move all of your elimination systems and push toxins out of your skin, liver, kidney, lungs, lymphatic and colon. Enzymes are a must have for toxic elimination.

If you are interested in learning more about Essential Oils and how they can benefit a more healthy lifestyle, i would like to personally invite you to my Essential Oils Mastery Course. 

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