Did you ever allow something that you were passionate about to take over your life?

Balance can be hard, and it is not the same for everyone. I struggled horribly with guilt as I started my career and at times I still struggle, but I can’t ignore my desires or passions just so that I don’t battle with guilt. I need to know my worth and live my truth so that I can honor myself.  My kids have two working parents now and they are still amazing children. In fact, with both of us working as we do, they have grown more appreciative of us and how much we do for them. When you have a passion, you need to set limits on how much you will allow it to take over your life.  I have many passions and I am lucky that my kids and my husband let me know when they are getting out of control. As long as you keep a strong line of communication with the important people in your life and you give them permission to check in with you, you should be good.  Everyone needs a reason to live and an ambition to achieve.

“When you have a passion, you need to set limits on how much you will allow it to take over your life.”

I have seen over the years my kids’ work ethic improve and grow as they watch me and their father work so hard. They are appreciative of money and all that we have gained due to us both working. They have learned a respect for work and offer to help us out more around the house because they see how hard we are working. We have discussions with them on how hard life is so that they understand what the real world is like.

“It is our purpose to live our truth and help others to embrace theirs as well.”

Finding something that ignites your soul and running with it, is important. When you are living your passion there is a certain energy that you put out into the world that changes others around you. People grow in your excitement and you in turn ignite a flame within them as well. Most people want to be passionate about something but we tend to get so bogged down with life that we forget about our passions and the light that lives inside of us. It is our purpose to live our truth and help others to embrace theirs as well.

View the previous post in the Reflections Series, “Feeling Unheard”
View the next post in the Reflections Series, “Finding Fulfillment”

From the book “Stuck in the Fire” By Christina Encarnacion
Get your copy here.

Stuck In The Fire is an interactive self-exploration book that pulls you in and allows you to be a part of the story. Christina shares her life experiences with you that have taught her how to navigate through this life on earth. She allows you into the halls of her heart and lets you learn through her own struggles of illness, loss, abuse and emotional turmoil so that you may be able to find strength, hope and understanding of why we must endure the pains of this world. She guides you through uncovering your own personal power that may be hiding inside of you and coaches you into harnessing it and fulfilling your life’s purpose.

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