Do you have a daily routine or set aside time for yourself?

Routine for me was a lifeline.  If I had not set one in place, I would have lost my mind.  Everyone has a different set of struggles and challenges, but they are all able to be conquered.  If you are suffering with overwhelm, take a deep breath, a step back mentally and start to write out what absolutely must be done each day, weekly and monthly.  Once all the necessities are accounted for plug them into your calendar, scheduling them into your day.  Then write out the activities that are not must do’s but things that you would like to get done and schedule those in.  If you still have time available, then plug in the fun activities.  That is a start to planning out your routine. 

“Routine for me was a lifeline.”

Organization is key both physically and mentally.  What I mean is, if you have your routine planned out, but your house is a disaster and filled with clutter, it will be hard for you to focus on your routine.  Plan to get your home in order with places for everything, so it is easy to stay clean and organized.  This will help you too mentally be able to tackle life most days.  When life throws you curveballs you will be able to navigate around them.  Also don’t be afraid to ask for help.

“When life throws you curveballs you will be able to navigate around them.” 

While planning your routine out don’t forget that time for yourself is a necessity not a luxury. If you are not doing something to care for yourself you are going to burn out and get sick. It is not selfish to care for yourself in fact it is the opposite. If you are tired, irritable, dysfunctional everything and everyone is going to fall apart. You owe it to yourself to make sure you are always number one so that you don’t fall into burnout. Also try and budget out a minimum of one vacation a year. Even if it is staying at a hotel the next town over. You need time to decompress and unwind from life at least one time a year. My family takes four to six vacations a year because it is so important to us to decompress.

View the previous post in the Reflections Series, “The Power Within”
View the next post in the Reflections Series, “Feeling Unheard”

From the book “Stuck in the Fire” By Christina Encarnacion
Get your copy here.

Stuck In The Fire is an interactive self-exploration book that pulls you in and allows you to be a part of the story. Christina shares her life experiences with you that have taught her how to navigate through this life on earth. She allows you into the halls of her heart and lets you learn through her own struggles of illness, loss, abuse and emotional turmoil so that you may be able to find strength, hope and understanding of why we must endure the pains of this world. She guides you through uncovering your own personal power that may be hiding inside of you and coaches you into harnessing it and fulfilling your life’s purpose.

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