To someone who has not yet taken the deep dive into energy work it is hard to understand all the woo woo of the energy conversation.

So I am going to break it down to you in a way that can hopefully start you down a path of self exploration and understanding. Every aspect of our being comes back to energy. When we are tired and worn down, when we are depressed or anxious, when we have lost our groove or spark it all comes back to your energy. Once I started to understand this it’s like the doors were opened to me. 

“When I was 18 I was diagnosed with an incurable illness.”

When I was 18 I was diagnosed with an incurable illness. This illness is super rare 1 in every 100,000 people are diagnosed with this illness. It is not genetic or hereditary in fact the cause is still unknown. The doctors still do not know how to prevent this condition nor cure it. This illness has to do with the esophagus which is connected to your throat chakra. Your throat chakra is one of your main energy centers in your body. The way energy works in the body is it flows through your 7 main energy chakras straight down the center of your body and those energy chakras push your energy through every cell of your body which allows your body to properly function and heal itself. 

When you have an issue that causes your chakras to close or enlarge basically become unbalanced the flow stops working correctly and your body starts to alert you that there is an issue first with emotional signs. Depression, sadness, anxiousness…you get the point. When you don’t listen to the warning signs then your body goes into crisis mode and it starts to physically react. This is where my illness comes into play.

“The signs were there but I didn’t know how to listen to them.”

I am number 4 of 5 children. My voice was seldom heard and feelings of worthlessness began to grow at a young age inside of me. My throat, heart and solar plexus were shrinking but I was unaware. The signs were there but I didn’t know how to listen to them. Eventually after years of ignoring the signs and stuffing my feelings my esophagus literally closed. My body started to starve to death and I would have died had the doctors not operated on me to reopen it so that I could once again eat. Between 18 to 24 years old I underwent 30 procedures on my esophagus. I truly believe had I known about energy I could have gone to a Reiki Master or Energy Healer and never had to have a surgery.

But this is the path my life took so that I could learn and completely understand how to listen to my body. When I ignore my body and run myself into the ground my blood pressure tends to go higher than it should. When this happens I need to take a break and forgive myself for the abuse, stop living in the past or looking into the future and center myself in the present and my heart starts working right again and the blood pressure stabilizes.

You need to learn to quiet your mind, with meditation or whatever works for you.”

You need to learn to quiet your mind, with meditation or whatever works for you. Stop chasing the future and grieving the past and be present with your body so your energy can flow and your life can be peaceful and fulfilling.

If you want to learn more about how energy is affecting your body and what you can do to balance your chakras visit my website at